By “flipping the classroom” we provide students with the chance to master material at home first. Class time then becomes a way for students to actively implement their knowledge by putting it into practice in an interactive, engaging way.
Flipping the classroom means that we make lectures and other more passive aspects of the curriculum are homework rather than classwork. For example, students are provided with videos that they watch on their own time in place of the traditional classroom lecture. This means class time is dedicated to activities that promote student-student and student-teacher interactions—which is the most beneficial way to use it. It’s a new, effective way of conducting a language course that is growing in popularity thanks to programs like Khan Academy.
Critical Language Service flips the classroom by delivering lectures through specially created videos called screencasts. These screencasts explain grammar, cultural notes, and fine points of vocabulary usage in a memorable, engaging, and clear fashion. On their own time, and at their own pace, students can watch and review screencasts, and use online tools to practice new material. Because they receive instant-feedback and corrections on these exercises from the computer and a teacher, they can then come to class ready to implement what they’ve learned.
Because learning a foreign language is more effective with high levels of immersion and interaction, Critical Language Service courses are designed so that more technical aspects of each lesson are completed outside of class. Class time is reserved for language-immersion activities that require direct interaction with other students and the teacher, therefore enabling students to be nearly fully immersed in Arabic very early on in their learning. In the classroom, students are highly encouraged to communicate with the teacher and each other exclusively in Arabic, facilitating active participation and creating an environment that is engaging and interesting.
Flipping requires students to take ownership of and responsibility for their own learning. It increases student engagement in each lesson, and has been tied to higher test scores as well as higher student satisfaction rates. At Critical Language Service, we believe that a flipped classroom is the ideal method of conducting foreign language courses.
Critical Language Service courses combine experienced Arabic language educators, the most effective teaching practices, cutting-edge technology, and the popular flipped classroom approach to curriculum. The combination of these practices allows us to provide students with the opportunity to successfully speak, read, and write Arabic.